* Our photos *
* Our learning this term*
Geography/History: The Americas
Science: Properties of materials
RE: Who is Jesus
Computing: Word processing
PSHE: Valuing differences
Music: Livin' on a prayer
PE: Onside
Art: Prints/Clay
D&T: Cooking
French: Pleased to meet you
* Class information *
Class Teacher: Mrs Turner
Teaching Assistants: Mr Harris
PE | PE is every Tuesday afternoon. PE kits are to be in school and children will get changed after lunch. |
Reading | Children are expected to read to an adult daily (around 15 minutes) and recorded in their diary. These will be checked on a weekly basis and reading completed at home will contribute towards the reading challenge. The children are responsible for changing their their own school reading book when necessary. |
Water Bottles | Children need to have a named school water bottle in school which they can refill as needed throughout the day. |
Homework | English and maths homework will be set on a Friday, to be completed and handed in the following Friday. |
Times Tables | In Year 5 children are expected to know all the times tables, including division facts. We do fortnightly times tables challenges in class to reinforce these. Below are some suggested websites to help children practise. We also encourage children to participate in TTRS little and often and take part in a weekly competition to see which class has participated the most each week! |
* Useful documents*
Year 5 and 6 spelling list
* Useful Websites *