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Lapworth Church of England Primary School

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Beech Class Teacher - Mrs Byrne

Beech Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs Dhasi



Useful Information 




Children will be doing PE on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school during this time. 


Please see the list of Year Two common exception words. These are the spellings children are expected to be able to spell by the end of the year. Please find these on the back of your child's homework diary. We have weekly spelling challenges for particular words we may be finding challenging. 

Times Tables

By the end of Year Two children are expected to be confident with the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. In preparation for this, ensure your child is confident with exploring numbers and counting in a variety of patterns. Children will be taking part in Times Tables Rockstars during the summer term but if you would like to get a head start please see the log in details inside your child's reading diary. 



Useful Information

How can you support your child at home?

Useful Websites

TTS Rockstars and Numbots:



Purple Mash: access via



Learning without limits nurtured by Christian Values
