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Lapworth Church of England Primary School

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Children in Beech class are developing their independence, resilience and problem solving skills across all aspects of their school life. We are learning to make links, problem solve and use different tools from our tool box to help us. 


We are thoughtful. 

We work collaboratively. 

We are Beech class! 


Beech Class Teacher - Mrs Byrne

Beech Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs Adams

Our learning this term

Summer 2



Our learning - 8th July 2024


Maths: Children will be completing their learning of time to the nearest 5 minutes this week. We will then be developing our understanding of measure and estimation. 

Don't forget it is coming towards the end of Times Tables Rockstars for the year!   


Writing:  Children will be writing up their recount from our fabulous trip at The Botanical Gardens last Friday! 


PSHE: Children will be identifying different stages of growth this week and discussing the different abilities of people at each stage of their life. 


Art:  Children will be completing their art project this week and will be creating their own whole body portrait. 


Topic: Children will be following instructions this week on a map. 


RE: Children will be exploring lessons in the Torah and Qur'an this week. 



Useful Information 



Reading at home

Children are expected to read to an adult at home daily. Two reading books will be changed and sent home on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. Please indicate that you have read with your child in the reading diary. Children's books will be changed when you have read them twice. Children are doing fantastically well climbing our class reading ladder! 


Children will be doing PE on a Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school during this time. 


Please see the list of Year Two common exception words. These are the spellings children are expected to be able to spell by the end of the year. Please find these on the back of your child's homework folder. We have weekly spelling challenges for particular words we may be finding challenging. 

Times Tables

By the end of Year Two children are expected to be confident with the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. We will be beginning our learning of them in the summer term. 




Subject Day handed out Day due in 
Reading Friday - 2 books written in diary and handed out.

Wednesday - both books and signed reading diaries to be handed in.

Don't forget our reading challenge! 
EnglishFriday - in homework folder to be sent home. Following Friday - homework folder to be sent in to school. 
MathsFriday - on line - log in to My Maths see set task(s). Following Friday - will be looked at on line and shared with children!  



Useful Information

How can you support your child at home?

Useful Websites

TTS Rockstars and Numbots:



Purple Mash: access via



Learning without limits nurtured by Christian Values
