At Lapworth, the intent of our curriculum is to have produced well-constructed, well-taught and well-sequenced learning, one that is a broad and balanced in which children are inspired to know more, remember more and to do more.
The curriculum is one that motivates and engages our children, one that is relevant to modern day life and to the children living in Lapworth and Britain today. Our key Christian values of peace, friendship, forgiveness and respect, as well as our British Values, are embedded throughout the curriculum and these provide the golden thread which is weaved throughout all we do. In addition, the curriculum seeks to nurture each child's spiritual growth alongside their intellectual and personal development, as well as aiming to inspire children to make positive contributions to the community, embodying the school's values through kindness, service and a commitment to justice.
We aim for our curriculum to provide rich, inspirational and curiosity-filled experiences which engage children and give a purpose for learning. This includes cross-curricular opportunities that allow children to make meaningful links to the wider world to aide their personal, spiritual, emotional and social growth.
The curriculum also helps to provide opportunities for children to develop their core skills in English, mathematics and science, with these being transferable across the curriculum, ensuring that all children are prepared for the next stages of their education.