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Meet The Governors

Meet the Governors


Ann Cotterill, Co-opted Governor and Chair of the Governing Board


I am a management consultant working predominantly to support higher education providers meet their regulatory requirements and deliver high quality programmes.  As a co-opted governor, I help to support Mrs McCluskey and the leadership team in maintaining high standards for pupils and staff.  I have been a member of the governing body (GB) since October 2011 and am currently Chair of the Governing Board.  I find being a governor is a highly rewarding role as it provides opportunities to see the educational progress of the pupils as well as their wide and varied achievements. 


On a more personal note, I am Australian and lived in a sunnier climate throughout my formative years.  I studied chemistry and gained my doctorate from the University of Melbourne.  I have lived in the UK (England and Wales) for around 30 years and in the local area for the last 20 years.  My child attended Lapworth Primary from Reception to Year 6 and is now enjoying secondary school. 


Pete Tegg, Foundation Governor and Vice Chair of the Governing Board


I am a retired Finance professional having worked globally leading financial services companies for a large multi-national construction equipment company. I have been a foundation governor since 2022 and have taken on the role of Vice Chair in 23/24 to support the Chair in maintaining and improving the school's performance.

Being a governor allows me to contribute to the local community in a very meaningful and direct way having moved to Lowsonford in 2021. The school really is the beating heart of the community and contributing to its continued success is a great honour and a privilege.


Mary McKay, Local Authority Governor

In the autumn of 2013 I was privileged to be appointed to lead our governing board for the next three years.
I had two reasons for accepting this role.
The first is to do with my commitment to the school and to the wider community of Lapworth. Gordon and I moved here in 1981. Our sons were five and seven at the time and attended Lapworth school in the days before it moved into the current premises in Station Lane. Our sons loved their time at the school and were well prepared for their move to secondary education in Stratford. I want to make sure that the primary education experienced by my sons continues i.e. one which recognises the importance of academic achievement but also, crucially, provides a caring atmosphere in which all our pupils learn and grow.       
My second reason is about my being able to contribute something to the governance of the school and, therefore, support the continued improvement of our school. I continue to work all over the country in my chosen career in education – as a specialist in school governance - training, reviewing and supporting governing bodies.

Stuart Baines, Foundation Governor


I joined the Governing Board as a Parent Governor shortly after my eldest daughter started at Lapworth school and this year have all three daughters at Lapworth.  Working with the Governing Body has given me the opportunity to give something back whilst my daughters enjoy the community, activities and learning that the school provides to all pupils.

During my time on the Governing Board I have learnt so much more about Primary Education than I ever understood before.  From my role in the Performance and Standards Committee I have learnt about the teaching and monitoring of our pupils achievements.  Working on Communications I have assisted with the setting up of this website and learnt about the challenges of communicating with the large audience that take an interest in our school.  I hope to continue providing governance for Lapworth School in the exciting times that the proposed school expansion will bring.

Finally, some background, I have a degree in Engineering and work in Information Technology as part of a global team defining cloud technologies for business solutions.  Since graduating I worked in Cambridge & London for 8 years but happily moved toLapworth over 15 years ago.  I enjoy the rural surroundings and community in the village, taking advantage of the opportunity to walk to school some mornings with the Walking Bus on Station Lane.


Father Patrick - Ex Officio Foundation Governor


Fr Patrick has been an ex-officio Foundation Governor since his institution as Rector of Lapworth in May 2010. Fr Patrick has degrees in Mathematics and Theology. He worked for British Gas for 16 years, including postings in India and Brazil negotiating pipeline contracts. He entered full-time ordained ministry in 2006. Currently he is chair of the Ethos & Values Committee.


Rena Patel - Co-opted Governor


 I was born and brought up fairly locally (in Birmingham), and education has always been really important to me. I studied Modern Languages at Cambridge University before moving to London to begin my career in investment banking. I was there for six years but knew that education was my true passion, so I returned home to complete my PGCE at Birmingham University in 2008. Since 2009 I have worked as a teacher in Birmingham. I moved to Lapworth in 2022 and I love being part of such a welcoming and warm-hearted community. Currently studying for a Masters in Applied Educational Leadership at UCL, I hope to be able to share evidence-based research to school settings to enhance pupil outcomes. It is a privilege to be part of the Lapworth School governing board.


Liam McKenna - Parent Governor


In 2022 my family and I moved to Lapworth, where my wife grew up. We love being a part of the local village community and feel incredibly lucky to be able to raise our family here. Lapworth has so much to offer, particularly for young families, and the school is at the heart of it. Our son joined Little Oaks Pre-school last year and his sister will join him next year,


Being part of the governing board allows me to give back to the local community and it is especially meaningful as this is where my wife went to school. It is a privilege to be part of its continued success and growth. On a professional note, I work in Finance within the fitness industry and have done so for the last 10 years. I am also a qualified accountant with a 1st class degree in Accounting & Management from the University of Reading.


Mark Gallacher - Co-opted Governor


My wife and I moved into the area four years ago and I have two grandsons in the school.


I was involved in education for most of my working life, as a teacher, a headteacher, a consultant headteacher and a visiting lecturer. During that time, I was head of fifteen schools. Six of the schools were Church of England establishments, one in the Diocese of Lichfield, and the others in the Diocese of Lincoln. I have a higher degree in school leadership and management.


My belief is that children’s happiness and wellbeing is as important as their academic progress, and I think that this school strikes the right balance. From what I’ve seen I know the school also encourages children to think about the wonder of the spiritual aspects of life which should help guide them to strong moral integrity.


I am grateful to have joined the governing body and will hopefully support and assist them in continuing their good work in moving the school forward.


Learning without limits nurtured by Christian Values
