Design Technology
Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Our children are involved in designing and making products while solving real life problems, within a variety of contexts. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and are able to make many links to other areas of the curriculum. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, our children develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.
The aims for teaching design and technology are to:
*develop the creative, practical and technical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently.
*build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make prototypes and products.
*critique, evaluate and test their ideas and the work of and others.
*understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
Throughout the school, children work in a range of relevant contexts, including home, school, gardens, playgrounds, the local community, industry and the wider environment.
Cooking and Nutrition
Cooking and learning about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles is also an important part of the D.T. curriculum, with each key stage researching, designing, making and evaluating their food products. (Perhaps eating, too!)
Year 1 Weaving
UKS2- Design, make and evaluate a stable structured fairground ride, using an electric motor to power the product.
🤖 Robotics Workshops🤖
Year 6 using and applying their sewing skills, including straight, basting and whip stitches.
Mulberry linked their project to their topic.
Sycamore filled the school with the aroma of homecooked soup.
Preschool made Diwali Lights November 2023
Chestnut Class made delicious Olive Spelt Bread December 2023
The Butterfly Group Made Fruit Kebabs May 2024