Aims, Values and Faith
Learning without limits nurtured by Christian Values
Peace Friendship Forgiveness Respect
Our vision is a community of shared values where confident and happy children explore their curiosity, discover their interests and develop skills for life.
School Aims
- Provide a harmonious learning environment in which everyone feels welcomed, valued and secure.
- Deliver a high quality teaching and learning experience for all pupils.
- Value and nurture the uniqueness of each pupil.
- Provide a rich and exciting curriculum that aims to equip each child with the skills they need for life-long learning within a global society.
- Develop children’s creativity and resilience to enable them to face life’s challenges.
- Enable everyone to achieve their full potential and be proud of their achievements.
Curriculum Aims
- Provide rich and inspirational experiences which engage children and give a purpose for learning.
- Enable cross curricular opportunities that allow children to make meaningful links to the wider world
- Provide opportunities for children to develop their skills within a broad and balanced curriculum
- Ensure that all children are prepared for the next stages of their education
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31
A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17
Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."
Luke 24:36
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Matthew 6:12
Vision and Values
As a school we have been looking at our vision and values and where we see them carried out across our school. The school's worship group have then worked with Mrs McCluskey to help get all our ideas down on paper which you can see below. I am sure you will agree it makes really positive reading.
At Lapworth we have very strong links with St Mary's church. The rector visits the school weekly, holding collective worship and visiting some of our youngest children sharing bible stories. The school visits St Mary's church three times a year as well as a special visit in the Autumn term by our Reception class who get a chance to discover and learn about all the different areas and items within it.
Collective Worship
Collective worship is when we gather as a group or whole school to explore and reflect on Christian values and stories. We also look at key people or events that shape our world and dip into other world religions and views.
At Lapworth, we have an act of worship or assembly every day, which take place in either the hall or the classroom. For special events on the Christian calendar, such as Christmas and Easter, we visit our local church, St Mary's Lapworth where the children from specific classes lead services. The whole school attends and parents are invited to take part in our collective worship too.
Each half term, we focus on a different Christian value and explore these in different ways. During our worship we reflect on the teaching's of Jesus through exploring stories from the Bible.
Academic Year 2024/25 Values
Autumn Term 1 | Respect |
Autumn Term 2 | Generosity |
Spring Term 1 | Wisdom |
Spring Term 2 | Service |
Summer Term 1 | Responsibility |
Summer Term 2 | Perseverance |
A time to stop and think. A time to ask big questions and seek answers. A time to develop a sense of wonder about the universe. A time to just be.
Children at Lapworth are encouraged to explore and develop their own spirituality through music, singing, PSHE, Family Time, supporting others & charities and experience special awe and wonder moments.
Each class has a reflection area with a cross, bible, objects and work that the children have created. A reflective space is a place where a child can choose to sit quietly either inside or outside at play time, on their own or with a friend, to have space away from the hustle and bustle of a busy school day to collect their thoughts. Children often ask to sit in the class areas as a special place where they can work.
The school's reflective garden sits in our smaller playground. Children can go there when they are outside for some quite time. The school's worship group look after the garden and put a new inspiring message for the children to read on the blackboard each week. We also use this garden to remember those who we have lost.