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Welcome to Mulberry Class

Wishing you all every success in Year 4

Enjoy the Summer Holidays!



Dear Parents,


Thank you for the lovely and thoughtful gifts, we will indulge in chocolates whilst the diffusers will create a wonderful ambience over the summer and next term the Mulberry Team will be smelling beautiful. They are a real treat thank you!


It has been a pleasure teaching the children this year they are a lovely class who are enthusiastic and eager to learn, we are proud of the progress they have all made and the resilience they are starting to develop. We wish them all a wonderful summer and every success in Year 4.


Hope you all have wonderful holidays - see you in September.


Kind regards,


Mrs Costar and Mrs Schroeter

    Please remember -  (we award family points for completed homework activities.)

    • Maths homework is set online every Wednesday on the MyMaths app, please refer to the inside cover of reading diaries for login details.
    • We would like to encourage children to use the TT Rockstars app to develop their multiplication and division skills. We have a weekly inter class competition in juniors to see which class spends the most time practising their multiplication skills on TTRockstar.
    • English homework will be sent home on Fridays. 
    • Children should be reading a little bit daily or at least 4 times a week and recording this in their reading diaries. We ask that you record when an adult has listened and when your child has been reading independently, and also whether any book read is a school leveled reader or a self chosen personal book. Please assist your child to keep their reading diary in their school bags so that it is brought into school each day.

    Topics for the year


    For your information, these are the topics that will be covered this year:


    History and Geography

    Autumn 1 (first two weeks): Local History focus on Packwood House

    Autumn 1 and 2: Meet the Flinstones - children will learn about the Stone, Iron and Bronze Ages.

    Spring 1 and 2: Our Great Britain - our topic will have a geography focus.

    Summer 1 and 2: Tomb raiders - children will learn all about the Ancient Egyptians.



    Autumn 1: Rocks, fossils and soils.

    Autumn 2: Animals including humans.

    Spring 1: Light.

    Spring 2: Forces and magnets.

    Summer 1 and 2: Plants.



    Autumn:Typing. We will be learning to touch type correctly placing and using most of our fingers.

    Spring :  Coding. We will learn to write algorithms to achieve a number of goals in computer programming as well as spotting and correcting bugs in the code.

    Summer: Email: children will learn to send, respond to and add attachments to emails.



    Our RE topics are as follows:

    What do different people believe about God?

    Why do people pray?      

    Why is the Bible so important for Christians today?          

    What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?       



    Below you will find information regarding the structure of the week, including information on reading books, P.E. and staff.  There are also links to resources should you wish to further support your children's learning at home.  


    If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to either of us at the end of the school day.  Alternatively, you can email us at and we will get back to you ASAP.


    Kind regards,


    Mrs Schroeter and Mrs Costar


    Teaching staff

    Monday and Tuesday (and first lesson on Wednesdays)

    Mrs Schroeter 

    Teaching Assistant: Mrs Fenelly

    Wednesday, Thursday and Friday -

    Mrs Costar 

    Teaching Assistant -   Mr Reynolds and Mr Harris

    Weekly set homework

    Each week we will set a piece of both English and Maths homework. English will include spelling and  grammar activities as well as sentence writing. Each week your child will bring home their work folder containing these activities which will need to be returned to school by the following Wednesday.

    Maths will be set on the Mymaths website.   A new task will be uploaded on Wednesdays. Please find login details in the front of your reading diary.

    Reading at home

    Children are expected to read to an adult at home for at least 10 minutes daily.

    School Reading Books can be changed on Monday and Thursdays. Children in Mulberry Class are expected to put their book and diary in the book change box on these days.  Please indicate in the reading diary when you have read with your child.   

    P.E.Our P.E. lessons will be on Mondays and Fridays.  On a Monday we try and get outside for P.E, weather permitting.  Due to the often wet and mucky playground over winter we recommend a spar pair of trainers to be kept at school for PE and break times.


    Please see the list of words below. These are the spellings that children are expected to learn to spell by the end of Year 3/4.

    Times Tables

    In Year 3 children are expected to know the following:

    2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 x tables.

    Here are some suggested websites to help you practise:


    This term our topic is 'The Stone Age'.

    Suggested websites if you would like to complete some additional research with your child:


    This term we are learning to touch type.

    You may practice any activities on our computing curriculum in the purple mash app which can be accessed by logging into   Login details are in the front of  reading diaries. 

    Spelling and Handwriting information


    Take a look at the following websites for recommended books for Year 3 children:






    You can access your Mymaths account through this link.  Login details can be found in the front of your child's reading diary.  


    Top marks


    Hit the button:


    Bonds to 10 - 20 marble run


    Learning without limits nurtured by Christian Values
