Lapworth Church of England Primary School
Uniform List
Lapworth School uniform:
Pupils are also expected to wear the correct uniform for P.E:
- Black pumps for indoor PE and also a pair of trainers* for outdoor PE
- Plain white T–shirt
- Red shorts / black skort
- Black jogging bottoms (for outside in colder weather)
- Red Sweatshirt / jumper or cardigan (as currently worn for school)
*For infants slip-on / velcro trainers are highly advised so children can change quickly without needing assistance for lace tying etc.
Parents can opt to purchase uniform without the school logo and second hand uniform is available to purchase directly from the school. Should you wish to purchase uniform items with the school logo, these are available from our online uniform shop.
Lapworth School book bags are also available from this supplier for children in reception class - year 2.
Children should not bring to school valuable items, as neither the school nor the authority can take responsibility for loss or damage. Please ensure that all items of uniform are marked with your child’s name.