"We are not makers of history.
We are made by history".
- Martin Luther King, Jr
At Lapworth C of E Primary School, we see history as not just facts and dates, but an opportunity for pupils to become detectives by exploring the past in an exciting way! We aim to stimulate children's interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past. We teach children a sense of chronology, and through this they develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding based on the past. From this, children learn to value their own and other people's cultures in modern day Britain by using this knowledge to make comparisons to how people lived in the past and how and why this has impacted how we live today.
Through fun, creative and engaging lessons our children learn about significant people, events and places from both the recent and more distant past. Our children enjoy becoming historians and investigating past events. By doing this, we develop their skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation and problem-solving. We encourage children to be open minded and enquiring thinkers who begin to understand cause and effect. We provide engaging experiences through handling real artefacts, exciting external visits and visitors to school.
In our teaching of history we aim to:
- promote an interest in the past,
- develop an understanding of events over time and in a chronological structure,
- learn about the roles that individuals and events have played in shaping modern day society,
- develop an ability to investigate and interpret different versions of past events,
- learn to study historical evidence and to ask and answer questions about the past,
- develop the ability to communicate historical knowledge and understanding using a variety of techniques,
- encourage children to understand other people, their beliefs, thoughts, values and experiences,
- develop an awareness of the world around them,
- develop an understanding of society and their place within it, so that they acquire a sense of their cultural heritage.
Black History Month
We celebrated Black History Month in school during the month of October. Children were invited to learn about a significant black individual. Children then shared their learning with the class. Here are some examples:
Year 4 Roman Day