Lapworth School has a Board of Governors consisting of 12 members from our local community including staff and parent governors We are committed to the DfE’s three core functions of governance as set out in the DfE Governance Handbook:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
As a Board, we are guided substantially by these core functions and the following are some of our key responsibilities:
- Safeguarding
- School Improvement
- Learning, Teaching and Curriculum
- Pupil Welfare
- Staffing
- Health and Safety
- Premises
- Maintaining the school's ethos and identity as a Church of England School.
Our governors are:
Debbie Adams - Staff Governor
Vacancy - Foundation Governor
Ann Cotterill, Chair - Co-opted Governor
Fr Patrick Gerard - Rector & Foundation Governor
Judy McCluskey - Headteacher
Mary McKay - Local Authority (approved) Governor
Liam McKenna - Parent Governor
Peter Tegg, Vice Chair - Foundation Governor
Luke Withers- Parent Governor
Vacancy - Parent Governor
Rena Patel - Co-opted Governor
For more information about our governors, see below. If you are interested in joining our Board, please email our Governance Professional: or telephone the school office.
In 2024/25, the Board has agreed there will be only one committee which is the Pay Committee which is chaired by Pete Tegg.
Pay Committee | Chair Pete Tegg Stuart Baines (until Nov 2024) Rena Patel (from Dec 2024) Liam McKenna Judy McCluskey (non voting member)
In addition to the Pay Committee above, the Governing Body may also decide to establish working parties for specific projects and other areas which have a significant workload.
Our Governor Impact Statement outlines some of the ways in which we work closely with the School Leadership Team to have a positive impact on school improvement.
Here is our most recent Governor Impact Statement.
Governor Impact Statement