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Summer Term

Week beginning: Monday 15th April 2024


Things to remember

Monday  - PE

Wednesday - Swimming

Friday - Homework


Our learning this week:


Maths: Finding fractions of quantities. 

  • Using bar models and arrays to help us find fractions of quantities


English: Non-chronological reports

  • Identifying features of non-chronological reports
  • Researching facts for our own non-chronological report writing


SPAGSubordinate / main clause.


Science: Living things and their habitats 

  • Grouping living things in a variety if different ways


Geography: Exploring Europe 

  • Identifying European countries and their surrounding waters


RE: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?

  • How do Hindu's show their faith?


Music: Blackbird

  • Listen to, appraise and perform 'Blackbird' by the Beatles


French: 'Where in the world?'

  • Identifying countries around the world that speak French as their first language.



Tuesday - Athletics with Mr Collins (Onside)

Wednesday - Swimming at Tudor Grange Leisure Centre




Science: Electricity

Geography: Rainforests

PE: Dynamic balance and ball skills

Computing: Logo-composing algorithms

RE: Christianity-Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?

Music: Stop! Composition

PSHE: Keeping myself safe

Art: PrintingNatural Prints




Please ensure PE kits are either kept at school half termly or returned to school immediately after washing. 



Children are expected to read to an adult at home for at least 10 minutes daily. 

In year 4 children are responsible for letting an adult know when their book needs changing.

Reading at home will need to be recorded in their dairy, this will be checked weekly and will count towards the reading challenge. 


Each week I will set a piece of both English and Maths homework. English will include spelling and  grammar activities as well as sentence writing. Each Friday your child will bring home their english homework folder containing these activities which will need to be returned to school by the following Friday.

Maths will be set on the Mymaths website.   A new task will be uploaded on Fridays.

Please find login details in the front of your reading diary.

Times Tables

By the end of Year 4, children should be able to recall and use multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. 
We will continually be working on our times table knowledge in school and any additional practise at home would be beneficial.



Below is a list of spellings that children are expected to know how to spell by the end of Year 4. Additional spelling practice at home would be beneficial.



Learning without limits nurtured by Christian Values
